This is Me

Thursday, January 09, 2003

I GOT A NEW CAR!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!! Actually, it's not all that, I just bought a new Honda Civic yesterday and I finally got to bring it home today. It's the first car I've ever bought, so that was a big thing for me. But even more enjoyable than bringing the car home, was the bargaining with the sale people. I know a lot of people don't like the bargaining, but it's a game.. .like poker. The dealer doesn't want to show me what he's holding, and I'm not showing my cards either. In turn, we try to sucker the other into making a concession he normally wouldn't make. Now, because the car dealer obviously has more experience than me, I probably got burned.. but hey... it was fun nevertheless. I realized that the sign of a good car saleman is not making the most money possible off of a customer, but it is making a lot of money off of a customer while customer walks away thinking he got a great deal. Wow.. so fun... if I could... I would sell cars part time.

Anyways, tomorrow my adult life will finally begin. It is my first day of work. I'm really excited as my coworkers appear to be great, and it will be good to be productive once again. I quite nervous because I'm not sure if I'm worth the money they are paying me. It's not like they are paying a super lot for me... but I look at migrant workers on a farm who toil all day in the red hot sun and get paid practically nothing. Physical labor is different than mental (sorry can't think of a better word) labor, but doesn't it stink how those of us mental laborers so thoroughly screw the physically laborers. Are we mental laborers worth that much more than physical laborers? Anyways, work will be exciting, as I like the company, the job description, the future possibilities.


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