This is Me

Sunday, March 23, 2003

Lemme clear some stuff up. David Robinson is a former naval officer. He was speaking about support for the soldiers (read the quote). If you were out risking your life for your countrymen, for the sake of morale, would you not need to know the support of the people back home? Without proper soldier morale, we basically set them up for failure. While this is America, and you are entitled to you opinion at all times, the fact is protesting opinions have been heard, and the government decided to move on after hearing the protesting opinions. These people say that they support our soldiers, and just want them home safely. However, it has been made clear by the government that we will not stop until the mission is accomplished. Therefore, if you really do support the soldiers, do something to help increase their morale. I honestly believe that there are better ways to voice opposition other than these protests, and fortunately those protesting have now become a minority. The new Gallup poll showed that over 70% of Americans now support the way our President has handled the situation. Voice your opinion fine... I personally don't agree with the war either. Still, if the American protests will result in a decrease in morale, please stop.

But now, the second point of David Robinson. If you are embarassed at the present situation, you have nobody to blame but yourself. The people who made the decision (including those in Congress), were democratically elected by you and your countrymen. Mr. Robinson may have gone a little overboard and emotional in saying that maybe they should be in a different country, however it's true, we should be proud of those we elected because we put them there. You may argue that you didn't vote for that particular person, well.. this being America, you still participated in the process that put the official in that position. If you are proud of being American, and our democratic process, you should be proud of the results from the democratic process. But also, you have the opportunity in 2 years to put other people in office. Therefore, for the time being the US government does represent us. The Gallup poll further supports this assertion.

Interesting Fact of the Day: Every US government official was placed into office through the ways outlined in the US Constitution and other federal laws.


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