This is Me

Thursday, February 20, 2003

This has been a rather slow week. Not too much going on at work... not too much going on at home. I just seem to live life day by day.... not expecting too much... not getting too much. Maybe this is how working life is... who knows? It's so wierd. You look at the world, and there is just so much sin. You wish that you were shielded from the sin, but you aren't and the sin grows within you as well. Sometimes I look at things people do and I wonder if I could do the same thing. Unfortunately, because I'm such a sinner the answer is yes. I guess that is grace. I clearly am no better than any other person, but God still chose to pour his mercy on me. I write this not because I did anything horridly wrong, but there are just times when I realize the vast sinfulness of my heart, and it brings me to shame. Thank God... God is Good!

On another note, tomorrow I'm going to my first Rockets game. Rockets vs Mavericks. Go Yao!

Interesting Fact of the Day: Drafts of the Declaration of Indepedence was written on hemp paper.


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